三生智科成立于2009年初,坐落于享有“中国制造业名城”的广东省东莞市寮步镇,是一家集研发、生产、销售及服务为一体的线束未端自动化设备的制造企业。产品符合GB检验标准。三生智科具有专业的技术研发团队,并不断引进国内外先进技术、公司销售网络遍布珠三角、长三角及至全国各个省份,并积极开拓国外市场,让公司人性化的产品服务全世界。 SanSun intelligent was founded in early 2009, located in enjoy "made in ChinaLiaobu town, dongguan city, guangdong province, is a collection of research and development, production, sales and service as one of the wiring harness terminal automation equipment manufacturing enterprises. The product conforms to GB inspection standard.SanSun intelligence has a professional technical research and development team, and continue to introduce the countryInternal and external advanced..